We have been silent on the progression and development of Skyblock to be able to give bigger development updates and post them closer to the release. As we are approaching the release timeframe this will be the first development update you will see. We have been working tirelessly putting all our effort into producing a fun and engaging game mode that you all will come to enjoy playing.
Starting off with our central hub including all our NPC's (Guide, Crates, Island Teleport, Battle Pass, Daily Rewards)
Not only is this the central hub to our game mode. We have put tons of effort in making the user experience much more friendly and easier to use.
We have created a custom resource pack that makes our GUI's stand out more and make accessibility a key component to our server.
This is our marketplace area including our Shop - Skills - Jobs - Factories and Lottery. All these features bring more fun into our
Skyblock game mode and more things to do and work on.
We also have an area dedicated to quests that you can complete. All quests will give you a reward for completing them
This isn't the total development that we have worked on but just an insight with the progress we've made so far. There are some things not included or specified and that's because it will be more interesting to find once you join. We anticipate to release skyblock in the next 2 weeks. Hope to see you there!
Forum Update
Our forums have been over-hauled to be more organised and effective. We have organised everything to make it more clear where you should be putting your threads. Make sure to check out the forums to see what it looks like!
- Lewie Spicer